Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Explore How Black People Are Differently Treated by the Criminal Justice System Essay

Racial prejudice is not unique to modern day society, it has been with us for a long time, this has been coupled with the belief that certain racial groups are less intelligent, or backward compared to white European stock, nowhere is this more true than in the criminal justice system. In 1869 Francis Galton published a book called â€Å"Hereditary Genius† this contained a chapter called â€Å"The Comparative Worth of Different Races† which considered that black Americans were genetically inferior to white Americans. Galton stated that blacks scored on average 15 IQ points below whites. (Coleman 1987) We can see that within the field of criminal justice, and with Galton’s work considered that black people were bound to be treated differently due to a belief born out of misunderstanding of the nature of culture and individual personality differences, the hereditary argument has never been scientifically proved or disproved. The 1991 census showed that 5. 5% of the population were from an ethnic origin, with 1. 6% of these being black from an Afro-Caribbean background. It was reported that a higher amount of the ethnic minorities was of younger people than in the general population, and it can be seen that this alone could be a reason for the proportionately higher level of blacks in the criminal justice system , going on the grounds that in the indigenous population it is the younger generation, those aged 14-25 years that commit the vast majority of crime. Crime by ethnic minorities, and in particular young black males can also be seen to be a social situation, and may be a product of sheer logistics. Many new immigrant families move into what is perceived as a high crime area, particularly inner city areas, where housing may be cheaper and unemployment is higher than at a national level. These areas may receive more police attention than richer areas and therefore the new immigrant families come to the attention of the police more than those in more rural areas. xenophobia may also cause the police to over react when dealing with black families. A study by Goreman & Coleman (1982) looking at personality and attitudes within the British police force, showed that the average police constable was indeed racist. They asked in the study for police officers to write a short essay, some of the comments were vigorously racist, comments such as, â€Å"†¦ Certain members of the coloured population that l have met are OK but the majority of youths of the West Indian community are savage ignorant vicious thieving bastards†¦ â€Å", â€Å"†¦. most of them are just dirty†¦ â€Å", â€Å"†¦ over 50% of trouble is caused by niggers†¦ â€Å", â€Å"†¦ smelly backward people who will never change†¦ † (Coleman 1987). In the last 10 years most public agencies, including the police force, have formed equal opportunities policies, these apply not only to recruitment but also to the way people are treated, and is especially needed in the criminal justice system where there are disproportionately more blacks than whites in the prison system in comparison to the size of the black population in society as a whole. It was reported in 1982 that black people made up 18% of the prison population, but only accounted for 5% of the general population. The figures are worse for Afro-Caribbean males, 1% of the population, but 11% of the prison population. (Home Office 1982). During the 1980’s it became apparent that blacks were more likely to be stopped by the police. The British Crime Survey in 1988 found that 14% of Asians, 15% of whites, but 20% of Afro-Caribbean’s reported being stopped by the police in the preceding year (Skogan 1990) The British Crime Survey also reported that there was some evidence that crimes detected by the police and those reported by the public seemed to have a racial bias. Blacks and Asians also complained more than whites about the way they were treated once arrested by the police (Skogan 1990). On the subject of arrest it seems also that blacks are treated differently in this process. A survey by the PSI (Policy Studies Institute) in 1983 found that blacks were disproportionately arrested, they found that 5% of the population of London were black, but 17% of those arrested in London were black. Further studies by Walker (1988) & (1989) support these findings. Landau & Nathan (1983) reported that there is evidence to suggest that blacks will be cautioned less than whites, a white youngster is four times more likely to receive a caution than a black juvenile. Also black juveniles are more likely to be remanded in custody than whit or Asian teenagers. Walker (1988) also showed that black juveniles are twice as likely to appear at crown court than whites. A Home Office Statistical Bulletin (1986) showed that blacks in prison were more likely to have less previous convictions than white men in similar circumstances, the figure for whites was 62%, Afro-Caribbean’s 48% and for Asians 20%. The main finding from these and many other statistics is that black people are dealt with, whether as suspects, offenders or defendants, in a highly disproportionate way, it can also be seen that they are treated more harshly than their white counterparts at virtually every stage of the criminal justice process. It is therefore not surprising that black people have less faith in the police and criminal justice system than white British people. David Smith (1994) argues that the main group in society has a degree of power, seen to be unique and special in relation to religious, social and cultural traditions of the particular society, thus creating an unequal legal system that is biased against ethnic minorities. This can be seen to be the stem from which racial disparities may emerge in the British legal system and criminal process, and may explain why black people are treated differently by the criminal justice system. He (Smith) further argues that the law is a national institution and part of a national identity that is born out of centuries of tradition, and therefore unless changed does not take account of relatively recent immigration of ethnic minorities to this country. It can be argued that there are two main reasons for blacks being disproportionately represented in our criminal justice system, firstly that they commit more crime, and secondly that they are treated in a different and possibly harsher way, so as to be over represented in the criminal justice system. Research in the USA has shown that crime is in fact higher amongst blacks (Wilbanks 1987). This view has been criticised, for example by Reiner (1993) stating that to exclude external variables that effect such findings is almost impossible. Reiner (1989 & 1993) concluded that it is the way in which black people are treated differently from white people in our criminal justice system that created the disproportionate levels of minorities in the process, although he concedes that this is far from conclusive. Smith (1994) criticises Reiner for this view, believing that Reiner is contradicting himself, with little evidence, suggesting that it is treatment that cause high black representation in the criminal justice system, but stating that this may not be believed by some, and is in fact inconclusive. It is true that blacks are over represented in the criminal justice process, what is not clear is, why. Whether we like to think it or not there is still a great deal of racial prejudice in this country, and this alone feeds societies morals and thus its policing and criminal law, this prejudice and discrimination therefore makes it difficult for minorities to gain employment, especially in times of high unemployment and recession. This can lead to feelings of rejection, lack of self-esteem, poverty, lack of self-respect and insecurity. Blacks, as mentioned above, often live in the poorest areas of the cities and therefore come to the attention of the police far more than white youths, parents may also find it difficult to exercise control over their children in areas where social control is at its lowest. Whatever the reason for higher black crime, whether a statistical wrong, or innate criminality, for which there is little support, it is clear we will never get at the real reason that blacks are treated differently by the criminal justice system, too many people would have too much to lose by finding an answer. 1,407 words. REFERENCES. Coleman, A. (1987) Facts, Fallacies and Frauds in Psychology. London: Unwin Hyman. Galton, F. (1869) Hereditary Genius, an enquiry into its laws and consequences (2 ed. 1978) London: Friedmann. Coleman, A. & Goreman, L.. (1982) Conservatism, Dogmatism, and authoritarianism in British police officers. Sociology, 16, 1-11. Landau, s. & Nathan, g. (1983) Selecting Delinquents for Cautioning in the London Metropolitan Area. British Journal of Criminology. 23, (2): 128-48. Reiner, R. (1989) Chief Constables. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reiner, R. (1993) Race, Crime & Justice, Models of Interpretation. IN L, Gelsthorpe, & W, McWilliam (Ed’s) Minority Ethnic Groups and the Criminal Justice System. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Criminology. Skogan, W. (1990) The Police and Public in England and Wales, A British Crime Survey Report. Home Office Research Study no: 117. London: HMSO. Smith, D. (1994) Race, Crime and Criminal Justice. IN Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Maguire, M. ; Morgan, R. & Reiner, R. (Ed’s) Oxford: Claenden Press. Walker, M. (1988) The Court Disposal of Young Males by Race in London 1983. British Journal of Criminology: 28, (4) 441-59. Walker, M. (1989) The Court Disposal and remands of White, Afro-Caribbean and Asian Men(London 1983). British Journal of Criminology. 29. (4), 353-67. Wilbanks, W. (1987) The Myth of a Racist Criminal Justice System. USA: Brooks/Cole.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

One Man Two Guvnors Drama Review

One Man Two Guvnors review In a packed theatre, full of audiences from all ages who continuously have a smile on their face; currently rated as a high five stars, One Man Two Guvnors could not be a funnier performance to watch. As soon as I entered the theatre, it was completely packed. I also saw many people from different age groups; this gave me a feeling that the show would be entertaining enough to get people from all ages to come and see the show. The environment of the theatre was very formal, as there was a red and gold layout and it was also very clean.Before the show started there was country singers, this was a very good way to introduce the show as the song was very upbeat and got me feeling more excited. They were dressed in checked shirts and suits; this gave me the feeling straight away that it would be based before the 2000s, which I was right as it is set in 1963. These country singers also came in a few times during the show and sang many more lively songs which I l oved hearing and sung with my friends. The main character that stood out the most to me was the well-known actor James Cordon, whom played a failed skiffle player named Francis who is in need of a job†¦ and a meal!He gets himself in a shuffle, as working as a servant for two masters whom are currently enemies. Many words could describe Francis; funny, dopey, confused, loud, sociable, at times annoying. Not only did he make the audience laugh, he also spoke to them too! For example, asking the audience who has a sandwich, which made the audience get more involved with Francis. He also did return a sandwich and a few other treats when asked! He had also made the audience a part of the performance as he needed some volunteers to get up on stage and help him out in the jobs he had to do. Such as, lifting a trunk and needing help on food preparations.My favourite scene that made Francis impress me the most was when he had to keep his two guvnors away from each other and at the same time serve them both food, whilst they was both opposite doors away from each other in the same hotel! His greedy behaviour of taking some food out of the dishes and keeping them for himself was absolutely hilarious. This is also the scene where he chose someone from the audience to help him take some food and store it in his pot. The way parts of this scene was off script yet still so on track and funny impressed me and I laughed the most at this scene.I also thought that the staging had a big impact to the audience. There were many different scene changes that looked so realistic; the living room, the Brighton pier, the upstairs hotel in The Cricketers Arms and the street outside it. The stage was spacious enough for the actors to move around freely, I still had a clear view even though I sat at the right at the top upper circle. The lighting on stage was very bright as the scenes were mostly indoors or in daylight. The music had suited the plays environment as the music was very upbeat, lively, loud and cheerful.Many instruments were played together to make many amazing songs and sounds. The play would stop in between, the curtains would draw and each time I got more inpatient wanting another song to come. The country singers who sang the songs gave me a warm, yet energetic feeling as I and the audience were clapping along to the rhythm, not to mention singing at the chorus. If these country singers did not perform, the overall play would not have been the same! Another scene that I also enjoyed a lot would be the ending scene, where Francis’ two jobs were revealed, all problems are sorted and the truth comes out.The two love birds are finally together and it’s all just like a fairy tale. This was a good way to end the performance in a happy atmosphere. Overall, I recommend that everyone should watch this performance as they will laugh their socks off just like the rest of the audience. I would rate the play a high 4 star performance as it was a fantastic, memorable experience that definitely made my day and is worth the watch. James Corden as his character Francis James Corden as his character Francis Rachel and Stanley whom are in love Rachel and Stanley whom are in love

Rizal: Bayaning Third World

At the part where in Rizal almost burn the manuscript of Noli Me Tangere made me think that it was a symbol of him letting go of what he strongly believed in connection to him not involved with â€Å"Himagsikan†. He became hopeless and I think he became afraid of death, probably, However, since he continued the publishing of Noli Me Tangere, I believe, he gained back his strong convictions regarding our democracy and showed his nationalism and patriotism. I thought what I know about Rizal was enough to understand his life, works and writing but having finished this independent film widened my understanding not only for Rizal’s positive sides but also for his flaws. Jose Rizal being a national hero considering his great influence not only in the Philippines but to other countries he had gone also with his works, the great impact he left with our history as a country and culture as its citizen, his weight to some indigenous religions also has his own flaws and faults because he is also a human being capable of doing those things. Less people know Rizal’s â€Å"dark side†Ã¢â‚¬â€ controversies, I myself was one of those before I watched this film. We were focused on his good side, his achievements and contributions for the betterment of our country but having the chance to know his flaws which until now haunts him, we must understand him and not condone the fact that he was still a human being. Rizal really don’t want to be a hero, he just wanted to prove his great passion and love for our country. Indeed, Rizal chose to die because it was one way to give weight to his beliefs and philosophy. We all have our own Rizal. We have different perceptions and understanding regarding his life, works and writings. As for me, though he is not as â€Å"perfect† as a national hero should be, I still salute and look up to him for his immense contributions and grand legacy which is applicable until now. Despite his imperfection, it didn’t lessen his heroism. In fact, his controversies made his life more interesting and it only made him more famous not only during his time but now and in the future generations. I didn’t get surprised that many critiqued his life but for me he is still the rd world hero of all time. How can we become Rizal in our own little ways? By following simple rules and regulations and by paying the right tax. There are a lot more and it is up to you to think of whatever way it suites you. Let us be a modern-day Rizal to continue his legacy for the future generation. Bayaning Third World is a film of substance. It is very appealing and is highly recommended for other stu dents studying Rizal. It is effective for my learning. Even if our 1-peso coin is in constant devaluing, Rizal still remain number one in our hearts.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Data base Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Data base - Coursework Example Oracle runs under Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1, SP2, and SP3 (64-bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 for x86 (64-bit), Solaris 11.1, Oracle Linux 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 for x86 (64-bit), VMware ESXi 5.0, and VMware ESXi 5.1 operating systems among others (Oracle, Supported Operating Systems-Sun Server ). F. What is SQL? Why is it important? It is a standard language used for manipulating and accessing data. One of the importances is that it is used in many organizations to manage their data (SparkNET). G. What does the term, â€Å"Database driven Web site†, mean? You will need to use the term â€Å"back end database† in your explanation. Database driven website is a website that uses HTML forms to collect data and store them in MYSQL database backend or any other database

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Impact of H&M Mobile Application on Consumer Behaviour Essay

Impact of H&M Mobile Application on Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example The Hennes clothing store started its operations in the year 1947 in Vasteras, Sweden. In the initiation process the store only provided clothes for women, but with the passage of time and demand of the public the business also included the mens and kids clothes. The stores have stated many brands including the H&M, COS, Monki, Weekday, Cheap Monday and other stories. The company also provides fashion products for home and the store named H&M Home (H&M, 2015). The company started expanding in the local market and the second store was opened in Stockholm, the brand started to expand to the international market and in the year 1964 the store was opened in Norway. In the year 1968 the founder of Hennes acquired Mauritz Widforss and converted the name of Hennes to Hennes & Mauritz. The business got listed in the year 1974 and the first store in UK was established in 1976. The product was heavily demanded in many countries outside Sweden and therefore the brand was introduced in Netherland and Germany. The company continued to expand to Europe, the company also expanded their business to online market and the catalogue sales also started in the year 2006 (H&M, 2015). The company expanded its operations to Asia, including stores in Hong Kong and Shanghai and other stores in Japan. Till the year 2014 the brand reached to approximately all the big countries all over the world. The company once established as a women clothing store relatively dive rsified to mens and kids fashion clothing. The company was providing their products only through their stores and online site but the management realized the importance of mobile applications and worked on developing the mobile app to provide accessibility to their customers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Write an essay stating why the US isnt really a democracy

Write an stating why the US isnt really a democracy - Essay Example However, there has been a consistent debate as to whether US can truly be considered as the democracy. The history of US indicates various legislative efforts, social and political divisions as well as racial bias which may not be otherwise accepted under democracy. Though there are no characteristics defined for democracy however, equality as well as freedom are considered as two important characteristics of democracy. Apart from this, democracy also need to ensure that the control is upward i.e. sovereignty reside at the lowest level of authority, political equality to each citizen as well as the social norms under which only those acts are considered acceptable which falls under the first two principles. As such democracy provides a complete system wherein political, social and economic rights of the citizens are taken care of and are considered as equal. (Levine,115) One of the key arguments in suggesting that US is not a democracy is based upon the fact that US is a republic. In democracy, people decide the matters directly through deliberations and town hall type meetings however, in a republic, the same is done through elected representatives of people. As such there is a fundamental difference between a democracy and republic and US being a republic may not be purely a democracy in its true nature. The Constitution of the country do not directly allows referendums and direct public opinion seeking in policy development matters. Despite this, some States however, engage into direct referendums and ballots to allow public to directly exercise their power to influence and create policies against issues of public nature. This argument is also based upon the assumption that the framers of the constitution were not actually in favor of providing public a direct mean of expressing their opinion. It is believed that the framers of constitution were of the opinion that the public may not have the required wisdom to express their opinion

Friday, July 26, 2019

How a society could improve its functionality Essay

How a society could improve its functionality - Essay Example One of the long-term benefits of this theory is that behaviours are improved to suit the majority after they are treated with. Therefore, deviant behaviours that disrupt the social norms are then adjusted to be capable of bonding much more strongly to the society. Deviation that takes place in any society is because people experience different types of social pressure, that restrict the preferences when an individual performing any action practically (Howe, 1987). Lately, it was becoming increasingly doubtful whether this theory will ever see the psycho-social view. The reason is that Goldschmidt discussed in the book; 'the anti-historic approach made it impossible to examine social processes, rejection of psychology made it impossible to understand attitudes and sentiments, and the rejection of culture led to a lack of recognition of the ecological context' . Thus, now the fixers approach social systems in all three types psycho-socially, behaviourally and/or functionally (Howe, 1987). Psychoanalysis helps by reflecting the situations a person faced during his/her childhood and behaviourally it is concentrating on problems during that time period. While sociologically, functionalism ensures that social order doesn't overrule stability as Brown defines in his book. 'The continuity of the social structure is not destroyed by changes in the units'. People, who have been isolated by the society, are treated by helping them develop the relationsh ip with the society. Fixers of the society face problems like individually induced pathology, systems failure and others. Whereas, the limitations faced by fixer theory is rather concerned with the scientific methods, which is arguable, as uses implies that the people living in the physical world are objectively real. It can be successfully observed through conducting social analysis or interviews. Conversely, if the society lacks the consistency to stabilize the culturally suitable behaviours or norms, there are several social control mechanisms which restore this conformity. The control mechanisms ensure functional consistency, by restoring it or isolating the ones who don't obey the rules. But according to Brown 'this limits the value of human rights to live as they would like to'. They are seen merely as objects rather than individuals. The functionalist theory is oblivious to the natural and historical process, so it assumes that societies are meant to be in equilibrium. This helped the functionalists to predict the place of an individual in a social system along with the expectations which are supposed to be fulfilled. In other words, it means that every individual's behaviour can be predicted scientifically! In spite of all this, sociologists believe that they can understand the laws, which define the behaviours of a society. Although, this serves as an incentive for further research on this subject, while the objective analysis may not completely comprehend the social phenomena in the long run. References: Howe. D. 1987. Introduction to Social Work Theory. Revised Edition. UK. Publisher: Ashgate. Brown. R & Kuper.A. 1977. The Social Anthropology of Radcliffe-Brown. Edition:

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Effects of Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Effects of Drugs - Essay Example This paper will assess the influence of drugs one’s family, career and life. As mentioned above, drugs are addictive meaning an individual becomes dependent on the substance and neglects his or her responsibilities in order to satisfy his addiction. Drugs have side effects after use as they imitate or inhibit the action of neurotransmitters which makes them stimulants or depressors (Carlson, 12). In addition, drugs have a toxic effect on the neurons which reduces the mental capabilities of an individual. Therefore, the diminished neuronal function will adversely affect an individual’s cognition making him or her incompetent at the workplace. Furthermore, the patient is likely to experience changes in his personality and regular mood swings which affect his relation to his colleagues. Therefore, drugs make an individual incapable of performing his professional obligations and he or she is unlikely to keep a job. This also explains why the majority of drug users are unemployed. The family of drug user is likely to be affected the most by this habit. This is because the family knows the real personality of an individual on drugs and they are tormented by watching the way drugs metamorphose his or her behavior and character. Therefore, drug use has a severe psychological impact on the family of a drug user. If the individual is the breadwinner, the family will also be affected financially as he will be unable to provide the financial resources necessary for satisfying basic needs (Swain et al. 327-333). Drug users often use the majority of their money on drugs as these are expensive and if they do not use these drugs they begin to experience withdrawal symptoms which are very difficult to resolve. According to sociological studies, drug users are also more likely to be abusive meaning the family can also be subjected to violent attacks from the user. In summation, the life of a drug user is very complicated and he or she is often depressed due to the extremes

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

See below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

See below - Essay Example dequacy in addressing the socio-cultural, political as well as religious concerns in the belief that learning English entailed adopting the western culture and social practices, and the fear that the predominance of English could prove to be detrimental to the mother tongue of the home country. The framework deals with the problems and prejudice by focusing on the English language alone and delinking it from the western culture or customs. In fact, it goes a step further and reiterates in no uncertain terms that English has now firmly entrenched universally as a global language, making way for pronunciation of English words and sentences clearly and distinctly in the local phonetics rather than emphasize on the European or American accent, and also makes a case for the desirability of synthesizing the language with the local phonemes. This serves to give special status to the culture as well as the language by branding it as ‘Korean English,’ ‘Nigerian English,’ and so forth. Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the last century. Central to this process was the emergence of the concept of methods of language teaching. The method concept in language teaching-the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning-is a powerful one, and the quest for better methods preoccupied teachers and applied linguists throughout the 20th century. That search was not only for better methods but ideally a single method generalized across widely varying audiences, that would successfully teach students a foreign language in the classroom. People have approached language learning in many ways over the years. The self directed language learner or language teacher may well ask What approach should I use? Such a person might ask " What method should I use ? Whats the difference between an approach, a technique and a method ? In 1963, applied linguist Edward Anthony defined the terms

Microsoft Windows 7 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Microsoft Windows 7 - Research Paper Example Data indicate that Windows 7 helped Microsoft to increase its market share to some extent although some users are dissatisfied with the features of this new version operating system. It offers a number of packages including Starter, Home basic, Home premium, Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional. The company is using a distinct marketing strategy to promote the sales of Windows 7. This paper will analyze the various feature of Windows 7 on the ground of its market strengths and supply chain management. MS Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 7 was released on 22nd July 2009. It is interesting to note that the company made Windows 7 available to general retail outlets within less than three years after the launch of its predecessor, Windows Vista. By the release of Windows 7, the company aimed to be more compatible with numerous other technologically developed applications and hardware. This new operating system focuses on multi-touch support, a redesigned Windows shell with a Superbar, and a home networking system named HomeGroup (Microsoft Windows, para: 3-5). It contains several measures to promote performance improvements. It must be noted that some standard applications included in the previous versions of MS Windows including Windows Movie Maker, Windows Mail, Windows Photo Gallery are excluded in Windows 7. Microsoft has added numerous new features to Windows 7 including handwriting recognition, virtual hard disk support, improved multi-core processors and boot performance, DirectAccess, and kernel modifications; and in addition to this, a new version of Windows Media Center, highly developed media features, and a new calculator with multiple capabilities have been added to Windows 7(InfoWorld). Similarly, Windows 7 is characterized with notable Control Panel feature changes. It integrates improved features such as Display Color Calibration Wizard, Recovery, Gadgets, Workspaces Center, Credential Manager, ClearTye Text Tuner, System Icons, Biometric Services, and Location and Other Sensors to Control Panel; and the addition of Windows Imaging Component enables Windows 7 to support images produced in the RAW image format. Significant changes to taskbar functions have been also made (InfoWorld). This product strictly complies with US and European antitrust regulations and provides users with safe internet browsing options. Following the launch of Windows 7, the company got exciting response from the market. Within 8 hours of Windows 7 launch, its pre-orders at surpassed the number of those had with Windows Vista in its first 17 weeks. It became the highest pre-order level in the history of Amazon, breaking the record of seventh Harry Potter book. Windows 7 took only less than three weeks to reach a 4% market share whereas its predecessor Windows Vista took nearly seven months to achieve the same. As of 23rd April 2010, Microsoft sold more than 100 million Windows 7 operating systems across the globe and the sales volume grew to 5 25 million copies by 19th January 2012. Reviews of Windows 7 reflect increased usability and functionality as its major advantages attracting users. The CNET rated Windows 7 Home Premium 4.5 out of 5 stars whereas it was rated 4 out of 5 by the PC Magazine. The CNET stated that â€Å"it is more that what Vista should have been, [and] it is where Microsoft needed to go† (â€Å"The City is Alive†, para: 5). Another catching feature of Windows 7 is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New Owner and Existing Business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

New Owner and Existing Business - Case Study Example Although Anna was happy that this bargain will save her the costs of setting up a new business, legal proceedings, location, customers and suppliers but what she did not take into consideration were the risks and challenges of buying a business that is losing its pace. It is difficult to revive the image of a business that is already declining especially in relation to the customers who have switched to a better designer as well as suppliers who are enjoying the better relationship with others in the industry. Anna should have also considered the fact that obtaining loyalty and adaptability from existing business’s employees is a challenge. The financial and economic side of the existing business could pose threat because before buying Anna did not examine the details of the mentioned and trusted only on her abilities. Moreover, Anna should have given a deep look into the history of the existing business dealings with the stakeholders and ensured its good reputation. 2) It is believed that if a person has strong dreams and the ability and motivation to turn them into reality, no hurdle can suppress his powers. Same applies to entrepreneurs. It is a common trait of entrepreneurs that with their vision and constant enthusiasm, they can take a business to high levels of success. S Anil Kumar, S.C.Poornima, Mini K.Abraham, K.Jayashree (2003) states that entrepreneurs are intuitive and highly motivated from inside, they have a strong will and determination to achieve their goals. Shane Greenstein (2011) says that entrepreneurs are visionary, exceptionally energetic and have strong willpower. They know what their weaknesses are and ways to get over them. Anna bought the existing business because she knew that her powerful ideas and efforts could really make this business a big hit in the market despite the fact that she had not had good managerial skills. Anna did not let this weakness of her come in the way of her success. She knew that soft skills  could be learned at any point in life but the characteristics of being visionary and enthusiastic are permanently embedded in her personality and nothing can beat them.

Monday, July 22, 2019

God Hates Divorce Essay Example for Free

God Hates Divorce Essay When Adam was alone The LORD God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him .Gen.2:18. Under marriage covenant man and woman come together to serve a divine purpose and a role. Man can serve this purpose and role only if they are united and married. The moment they get divorced the unity is destroyed and they fail to serve the divine purpose and role that God wants them to fulfill while they are married and united. God gave a command to the first couple in the Garden of Eden to be fruitful. This command of God only a couple can carry out and the moment they get divorced they fail to carry out this divine command and we have to keep in mind that this command was given to men before their fall and even after the fall men are bound to keep this command. This shows us how important is this command and why God hates divorce so much. The failure to keep the first command affected the whole human race for generation after generations, the failure to keep this second command will also affect the human race generation after generations and even it will cause the mankind to stop be in existence. This is another reason why God hates divorce so much. When men get divorced they forget their first love. Marriage is a love relationship. When man is angry he cannot make a right decision. An angry head cannot evaluate the relationship that was made by a loving heart. Anger makes a man blind and leads him to the bottomless pit and that is divorce. Divorce is the worst hell in this world, the moment anyone falls into it he will be separated from his spouse, children, friends and families and from God. This is the darkest pit that will show no mercy and kindness to its victims. Life will be meaningless and worthless. You will be a creature without hope and future. A lonely man cannot succeed in anything; he is fruitless and useless to God and to society. All the sweet memories turn into bitterness. Then it becomes easier for that person to get into more and more sins as there is no one to show him his fault and give account to for all the wrong doings. Divorce affects our relationship with God, our relationship with one another, our relationship with the children and our relationship with the society. God cannot use a divorce person to reflect His glory and to show His image to His people. That person turns into an instrument of devil. There are so many reasons for all wise and all knowing God to hate divorce. God with His infinite wisdom can see the infinite danger that lies in divorce. Man cannot see the infinite danger that lies in divorce that is why man can take this decision of divorce without much thinking and considerations. God in His infinite wisdom and knowledge gives us the person that will be best suitable for us. We take it granted that suitable means comfortable. Something could be very suitable for us but at the same time it could be very painful and uncomfortable. The spouse you have is always suitable for you because God gave you this spouse. God took this responsibility from the very beginning to give us suitable spouse. The spouse we have is the best teacher for us given by God in our life to teach us something that no one can teach and to make us useful for God and for man. It takes a lot of pain, patience, humility and suffering to learn through our spouses to be more like Jesus Christ and God. Every time my wife gets angry with me or sins against me I ask God what lesson do you have to teach me today. Every time I can see that God has something to teach me through her anger. She does the same thing but I learn so many different lessons, at the beginning I get hurt then I rejoice when I can see what God has to teach me today through her anger. Then I feel very sorry for her because she took so much pain and suffering to teach me a lesson that nobody could teach me. Then I began to thank and praise God for her. We need to see what God wants us to see and to understand what God wants us to understand. God in His sovereignty allows us to go through all the bitter and painful experiences to make us more like Jesus and to draw us nearer to Him and to teach us how God feels when we sin against Him. We need to learn how to bow down to the sovereignty of God and to stop bow down to sin or to give in to sin. God hates the sin of divorce because He does not like separation or division. Divorce is the worst ingratitude towards Gods greatest gift and blessing in our life. The moment we stop giving thanks and praises to God for our spouses we are on the way to be ingratitude for the gift that God by His mercy and kindness gave us. Our Lord Jesus suffered and died on the cross and chose to be separated from God to keep us united with one another and with God. Our Lord Jesus chose to suffer and die to keep us united and one. So we must choose to suffer and die to remain united, one and married for the sake of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Criminal Justice System as a Deterrence

Criminal Justice System as a Deterrence Deterrence is used on individuals who already have a history of offending, but also it prevents potential offenders from committing similar crime. Deterrence is used very often and everyone is aware of it even if they do not they are. People generally known to not commit a crime whether its a serious or less serious one, because they know they will be consequences, which could be a fine or time in jail, depending on what form of offence it was. There are two types of deterrence; specific and general. Specific deterrence is when an offender decides not to commit any future crimes. General deterrence is when a person makes a decision to not commit a crime, because they are familiar with the consequences by observing offenders get punished and they do not want to deal with the same thing if they are caught. However there has been many arguments about what is expected to deter other. Some suggest that the best solution is to be setting penalties to outweigh the benefit of committing a cr ime, but the reality is that people who commit crime are rational thinkers and are responsible for their action. This causes conflict as to whether or not criminals are rational within their actions or whether crime is an act of impulse. The idea of being caught and the idea od spending time in prison should deter potential offenders, therefore prison in some way does deter crime by simply catching offenders, which shows the consequences to those potential ones. One of the reasons why deterrence is more limited is understood by viewing the dynamics of criminal justice system. When any crime is committed there is not a certainty of arresting the criminal, and that has an impact on how effective deterrence is, if it was well known fact that police always apprehend the offender not many people who still want to or try to commit any crimes. However there are cases where crimes also serious crimes are not solved and are not followed up by any arrest and conviction, which is why the deterrent outcome of the certainty of punishment is significantly reduced. Evidently, any improvements on making sure that offenders are being arrested would have huge impact on people who may think they will not be convicted for the crimes they commit. Overall many studies across nations confirm that improving the certainty of sentence provides better deterrent result rather than increasing the harshness of punishment. The Institute of Criminology at Cambridge Univers ity was ordered by the British Home Office to a write a review of research they have done on big studies of deterrence. They have produced a report in 1999 confirming that the studies reviewed do not provide a basis for inferring that increasing the severity of sentences generally is capable of enhancing deterrent effects. Daniel Nagin and Greg Pogarsky, they research concluded that punishment certainty was found to deter crime more than punishment severity. Micro level studies that studied offense rates of particular population, the evidence shows that higher certainty of punishment was linked with decreasing crime. They also have detected that people who know more about crime and punishment are less likely to commit any crime. Different study compared crime and punishment results in the U.S, England and Sweden, however they have failed to discover a consequence for severity. Records of studies shows that certainty of punishment has shown some connection to decreasing of crime stat istics, however other studies argue that growing levels of possibility of arrest for serious and minor offences may result in viewing prison as less labelling institution. Deterrence does not seem to be working as the prison population in England and Wales has almost doubled since 1993. In addition, there is also evidence that most offenders come out of prison and re-offend, however the rates are lower for offenders with long sentences. Statistics published on the Ministry of Justice websites confirm that the proven reoffending rate for adult offenders released from custody between April 2014 and March 2015 was 44.7% and the rate for those released from short sentences has been consistently higher compared to those released from longer sentences. Adults who served sentences of less than 12 months reoffended at a rate of 59.7%, compared to 32.2% for those who served determinate sentences of 12 months or more. The trends for those released from short and long sentences have both remained broadly flat since 2005 and are consistent with the overall trend. Thats form a question in prison really works. Does prison reduce offending? Are re-offending rates worse for prisoners than those who receive community sentences? Does the prison environment improve or hinder the physical, social and emotional well-being of offenders? Does prison prepare prisoners for life on the outside?

Causes And Minimization Of Soybean Flavour Via Enzymes

Causes And Minimization Of Soybean Flavour Via Enzymes Lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals are main food ingredients that are responsible for flavour in vegetables. These compounds may give rise to volatile and non volatile compounds that give vegetable its characteristic odour and taste (Sessa, 1979). Soybean is very popular and unique in its ability to be cholesterol free and lactose free, and also because it provides good source of nutrients at low-cost such as proteins, minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals (biological active components derived from plants) and also is a source of oil and therefore it is classified as an oilseed and has a reputation of being natural and good for health (Martin et al, 2010). Soybean originated from Asia, was first cultivated in china and is most common in Asian countries and is grown by farmers since centuries. Soybean is a good source for providing useful protein especially in countries where people are protein deficient, or lack of proteins from animal source, or for th ose people that are lactose tolerant and cannot consume cows milk for them soymilk is available, which is made from soybean and is healthy and rich in protein. Soybean is used to produce many food products such as soymilk powders, flour, oil, soybean curd, chocolate, ice-cream, etc (Martin et al, 2010; Stephan et al, 2000). Although in many western countries acceptance of soybean has not been much successful due to its strong grassy/beany flavour which is unpleasant in taste and is unfavourable according to most consumers. Therefore, much research has been done to improve soybean flavour. According to many studies done on soybean flavour, lipid oxidation (lipoxygenase) an iron containing enzyme which is common in plants and animals, which undergoes Fe2+ to Fe 3+ transitions during per oxidation of fat catalyses the peroxidation of unsaturated fats to hydroperoxides is said to be responsible for the off flavour which breaks down during hydration, which will be further discussed in th is review. Causes of beany Flavour During cultivating soybean, it is found that it is beneficial to environment in terms of nitrogen and other minerals that benefit the soil by increasing carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous contents in soil. Unpleasant flavour such as beany /grassy flavour of soybean are generated from the lipids through lipoxygenase during the process of roasting, fermentation and germination, the lipoxygenase breaks down the oil into a number of chemicals including hexanal, and methanethiol and these chemicals result in off-flavours which are described as beany and grassy primarily in soybeans ( Suratman et al,2004; Wszelaki et al, 2005). Lipoxygenase in soybean seeds is present in the form of three isozymes ( Lox-I, Lox-II and Lox-III) (Kumar, et al, 2003). Soybean is an iron containg enzymes which catalyzes the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids with cis,cis-1,4-pentadiene units to produce conjugated unsaturated fatty acid peroxides which are rensposible for the off flavour in soybeans as well as bitter taste (Li et al, 2008; Wang et al, 2008). It comprises of enzymes that are commonly found in soybean, can arise by either hydrolysis of fatty esters or oxidative fat corrosion. Naturally occurring enzymes such as lipid acyl-hydrolases, directly hydrolyze the fatty ester bonds of triglyceride s and phospholipids, producing free fatty acids. Lei and Boatright, 2005, revealed the importance of methanethiol to the characteristic odour of soybean which could give rise to a volatile sulphur compound; dimethul trisulfide is responsible for the off odour. Although the means for the effect of lipoxygenase on the formation of methanethiol is not well known, but is thought to be due to release of the free radicals formed during oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Methionine residues in soy protein products are aggregated by such free radicals, resulting in the formation of methionine sulfoxide which generates methanethiol as a final product as proposed by Lei et al 2005.Therefore, the data from current studies suggest that lipoxygenase not only catalyzes the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, resulting in the formation of volatile aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols, but also promotes formation of methanethiol (Lozano et al, 2007). Flavours developed depend on the composition of the fat with short chain fatty acids to C 10 having particularly disagreeable odours flavours and those above C1O possessing waxy or, at alkaline pH, soapy flavours. Hydrolytic fat corrosion is not much important in terms of flavour formation when compared with flavours from oxidative deterioration of free fatty acids. Strong soybean-like flavours have been found in model systems consisting of hydroperoxides generated by the oxidative action of soy lipoxygenase on pure linoleic and linolenic acid. Volatile Compounds produced contribute to the grassy and beany flavours, while non volatile compounds cause bitter and astringency. In addition, scientists have found that lipid hydroperoxides produced by Oxidation readily form in soybean seeds when compared with other vegetables. Once formed, hydroperoxides undergo decomposition to both volatile and non volatile compounds. Many volatile Compounds generated either by the action of enzymes or by autoxidation of polyunsaturated lipid. A volatile synthetic compound, 2(l-pentenyl) furan also was found to contribute to the beany and grassy notes of soybean oil. It was hypothesized to arise from autoxidation of linolenic acid. According to Zhou et al, 2000, 2-pentyl pyridine (2-pp) has the largest flavour value of any other flavour volatiles found in soybean products. While volatile compound contribute to beany flavour, non-volatile oxygenated fatty acids impart a bitter taste to soybeans and dried peas. For example, trihydroxy fatty acids generated by the action of soy lipoxygenases on linoleic acid is responsible for the bitter tastes but due to its low concentration it is unlikely to be the main cause off odour (Stephan et al 2000) . According to many studies peroxides, lipoxygenase, and phospholipids are the main cause of off odour in soybean and many studies show that pH and temperature may also have influence on the flavour impact causing undesirable taste. According to Iassonova, removing lipoxygenase (LOX) isozymes can reduces the amounts of volatile off-flavor compounds in soybeans and soy products drastically, but are not completely eliminated. The present work presents evidence that lipoxygenase-null (LOX-null) soybeans contain a LOX-like enzyme that is responsible for the offflavors in LOX-null soybeans. Volatiles production in triple LOX-null soybeans was terminated by heat treatment, which suggests an enzymatic cause to the off-flavors. The source is LOX-like in that the volatile compounds produced are similar to LOX-generated products of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Oxygen was consumed when a LOX-null protein solution was incubated with crude soybean oil suggesting that the enzyme catalyzed oxygen con suming reactions. The generation of flavour compounds was inhibited by the typical LOX inhibitors propyl gallate and nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA). The enzyme appears to be more active with phosphatidylcholine than with other lipid substrates. The cause of the off-flavors in LOX-null beans appears to have enzyme-like characteristics (Iassonova et al, 2009). Strategies adapted to reduce beany flavour Although soy is rich in its nutritional value, it has not been much popular due to its beany unpleasant flavour; therefore many methods have been considered in order to get rid of this lipid derived beany off flavour in soybean which is due to lipoxygenase activity. Soybean proteins can be readily be modified by chemical, physical and enzymatic treatments changes the functional properties of the protein such as leading to flavour change. Methods such as heat treatment, pH adjustment, hydrolysis, enzyme treatment, ingredients addition, thermal modification, and breeding of soybean with low beany flavours have been used to eliminate/ reduce unpleasant beany flavour of soybean (Heywood et al, 2002; Suratman et al, 2004). According to Heywood et al, 2002, value enhanced soybeans (genetic modified/breed) have transformed fatty acid/ protein composition which means volatile compounds are removed that cause unpleasant beany flavour. According to Iassonova et al, 2009; removing lipoxygenase (LOX) isozymes can reduces the amounts of volatile off-flavor compounds in soybeans and soy products drastically, but are not completely eliminated. Temperature also has significant effect on soybean protein where significant decrease in unpleasant flavour compound was observed at lower temperature around 5.5 C (lower than room temperature). In many studies it was investigated that at higher temperatures the methanethiol increased and vice versa (Heywood et al, 2002). Also heating increases the digestibility of soy protein. Similar results were reported by Rehman et al, 2007, according to him soymilk prepared by heating soybean grains at least 15min at 100 C soaking in water at pH 8, (soybean water extract) improved the flavour and taste to some extent but did not completely eliminate the unfavourable flavour, it only had less beany flavour and more protein solubility and also improved colour consistency. Similarly Machado et al, 2008 reported that the anti-nutrients in soybean such as Kunitz (protease inhibitor that reduces the nutrient level of soybean) can be inactivated by heat treatments (wet) or biochemical treatments or ei ther by selecting soybean varieties (could be modified/ genetically grown) that lack these protease inhibitors along with heat treatment such as wet heat rather than dry heat. Soybean was heat treated for 15 minutes ( as excess heat could completely denature the protein i.e. decrease the solubility and nutrition value) and as a result the trypsin inhibitors (which was seen to be dependent on moisture level) were inactivated without affecting the quality of soy protein the in terms of nutrition value. Thermal treatment the most common old method used to modify soy bean flavour without affecting the nutritional value. This treatment is used to eliminate lipoxygenase activity in soybean which produces volatile compounds responsible for off odour. Enzyme modification are conducted to eliminate undesired flavours (beany) caused by hexanal. Alpha-tocopherol and isoflavones, both naturally occur in soybeans. Are antioxidants which inhibit enzymic oxidation of linoleate with lipoxygenases . Methods are developed to free naturally occurring antioxidants of enzyme inhibitors. Cysteins under aerobic conditions interacts with the catalytic site of lipoxygenase and induces irreversible inactivation of the enzyme. Cysteine reacting with linoleic acid prevents formation of volatile flavour compounds. In line with Li et al, 2008, and Wang et al, 2008, although the thermal treatment inactivates effectively soybean lipoxygenase (LOX), it denatures soybean proteins, results in amino acid degradatio n and other deteriorative reactions. Although there are concerns over the affects of flavours, texture, colours, vitamins and nutrients by thermal treatment, therefore, inactivation of soybean LOX by non-thermal treatment is aimed in order to avoid quality loss of soymilk by thermal processing and new techniques are introduced such as high pressure techniques for better quality and taste. Pulsed electric fields (PEF) a non-thermal food preservation method and become increasingly a promising option to thermal pasteurization. In comparison with traditional thermal pasteurization, PEF dramatically lead to inactivation of LOX activity and denature of enzymes in soymilk PEF not only can kill microorganisms and inactivate enzymes, but maintains taste, colour, texture, vitamins, and nutrients, of foods. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to determine the content of methanethiol in soybean which occurred in every sample of soybean tested (Lei et al, 2005) which gives out unpleasant odour. It also was observed that if pH levels were increased the amount of methanehtiol also increased due to breakdown of methionine. Cyclodextrin, which masks beany flavour molecules by reducing or changes the food flavour overall have been used to eliminate the molecules responsible for the off flavours in soybean. Hexanal is reported to be the main sources of beany flavour have been used to inactivate soybean lipoxygenase activity but it is found that it lowers the protein solubility. Another method is soaking soybean in ethyl alcohol and PH adjustment. Off-flavour is only observed when the soybean cells are borkendown/ or during cooking where many chemicals (e.g. linoleic acid; ketones, aldehydes, and alcohol) are released which give off odour (Rehman et al, 2007). According to Stephan et a l, 2000 saturated free fatty acids (FFAs) did not produce any bitterness in the concentrations investigated, and were able to influence the bitter taste of emulsions essentially even if they are present in concentrations that are only slightly above their thresholds. Fig.1.Improved soybean products (Bay, 2006) Various methods have been employed to inhibit lipoxygenase. Enzyme inactivation by blanching whole soybeans before grinding of soaked soybeans prevents formation of oxidized flavour in the production of bland-flavoured soy milk. Heat inactivation of lipoxygenase by extrusion cooking yields full-fat flour with improved odour, flavour, and stability. Further low pH inhibits lipoxygenase in soybeans and other legumes. Thereby minimizing the formation of volatile compounds for example flavourless tasting slurries free of lipoxygenase- induced off-flavours and odours were produced by grinding and fractionating raw soybeans under pH 3.8 for enzyme inactivation with saturated monohydric alcohols. Flavour of soy flour should be improved with alcohol or heat treatments. Alteration of flavour causing aldehydes to alcohols by means of an enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase could reduce flavour because alcohols generally have higher flavour thresholds than corresponding aldehydes. .Alcohols produced by this reaction can act as enzyme inhibitors in the meals, or they can be more readily extracted from meals unlike aldehydes because alcohols do not bind to proteins .Present processes for preparing soyflour, concentrate, and isolates generally involve solvent extraction, aqueous extraction, drying, and toasting. Products with improved flavours through these procedures are commercially available. One current method is used to achieve soybean with acceptable flavour, better quality, and reducing any undesirable characteristics. (fig.1.).In this method soybean is mixed in an heated aqueous salt solution to form a mixture, heating leads to deactivation of enzymes that are responsible for beany flavour. This improved misture is further processed (drying, roasting, powdering, and flavouring) so can be used in a variety of food products. Conclusion Although soybean milk is recognized as a nutritious beverage, it contains much lower calcium than cows milk. To eradicate the off flavour, scientists throughout the world have been in an attempt to find soybeans that lacked lipoxygenase enzymes thought processes such as mutation, hybridization and selection they were able to find few that few of the enzymes. These soybeans are now being used in soymilk production and other food products and no longer have the off flavour (beany flavour). Therefore, according to Rehman et al, 2007 soybean in water at pH8 showed to have less beany flavour and more protein solubility, similarly according to Wang et al 2008 high pressure was found be effective in slightly reducing off flavour by deactivating lipoxygenase in soy products such as milk and gave improved taste and flavour , these results were also in line with the finding with Li et al, 2008 who studied the inactivation of soybean lipoxygenase due to thermal treatment but is shown to affect the quality of food and similarly results reported by Wang et al, 2008. Although there are concerns about reduction in protein content or health affect when soybean is modified in order to eliminate the unacceptable odour, since consumers concern has always been on quality, appearance, taste, smell, and texture. According to Lei and Boatright, 2005 little is known about factors that influence occurrence of methanethiol in soy products.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dougy :: Free Essay Writer

Dougy Before we look at whether James Moloney effectively uses characterisation to convey Aboriginal issues we must look at the issues themselves. In Dougy, the issue of black and white prejudice is strongly present in the plot. The stereotyping of Aborigines and white Europeans play an important role in the events and the outcome of the story, as is individuality and the breaking of the stereotypes. The book also touches on the old Aboriginal superstitions that are still believed in by some today, though one of such superstitions plays an important role in creating the mood of the resolution. These issues impact most heavily on the character Gracey. Possibly the most important factor in Dougy is the racial prejudice and stereotyping between the Aborigines and the white Europeans. All the complications and obstacles the main characters encounter, especially Gracey, are due to these issues. In the remote country ton setting of the book, the whites all feel that the Aborigines do not do their part for society but still get more benefits from the Government than anyone else. The anger that the whites feel at this so-called ‘unfairness’ that has been held back bursts free when Gracey receives a chance to compete in the state athletics championships. All the children at the local school were celebrating on the school bus the first day, but the white children divided themselves from the blacks the next, because their parents feel that Gracey had an advantage because she was Aborigine. â€Å"It just didn’t make sense that it all changed so quickly, over just one night†¦ Abo kids knew there was something wrong a nd all the time they waited for the bus, the black kids stood together in one spot and the white kids in another.† From this quote we can see that the rift between blacks and whites has been widened because Gracey is talented enough to run in the state championships. Similarly, the blacks feel dominated by the whites, who, in their minds, own everything. This concept is conveyed by the characterisation of Gracey’s brother, Raymond. The stereotype is evident through his speech, â€Å"Whities will still be in charge, tellin’ us what to do. Everything will still be theirs, even the footy†¦ I’m fed up with being black. I hate it.† Though the stereotyping and alienation is strong in Dougy and Gracey’s community they manage to break away from it. The whites feel that the Aborigines get everything free from the government and never do any work of their own, and according to the book, most of them do just this.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Panthers :: essays research papers

Bobby Seale   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bobby Seale was one of the co-founders of the Black Panther Party. He was born on October 22, 1939 in Dallas Texas. By the time Bobby was ten his family moved to Oakland, California where he would have a rough childhood. Seale’s family was very poor so this only added to his dire childhood. Bobby eventually dropped out of high school and at 18 he was indicted into the Air Force. He was immediately sent to Amarillo, Texas to receive training as an aircraft sheet-metal mechanic. He soon graduated from the Technical School Class of Air Force training with honors. After that, he was moved to Rapid City, South Dakota at Ellsworth Air Force Base. Bobby served here for three and a half years and left with the rank of corporal. After he left the Air Force he enrolled at Merrit College in Oakland where he intended to study engineering. Bobby first became interested in 1962 when he first heard Malcolm-X speak. During his enrollment at the University, he joined the Af ro-American Association (AAA) which was an organization formed by young African-Americans in Oakland to try to confront the problems faced by the black community. This was an organization that tried to confront the problem faced by the black community. Seale got interested very quickly and was inspired by such people as Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. du Bois. Another member of the AAA named Huey Newton had very similar beliefs as Bobby. Soon Bobby became one of the many black activists who broke away from the traditional non-violent protests to â€Å"preach a doctrine of militant black empowerment.† Bobby and Huey became very close friends and in 1966 formed the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Bobby Seale is still alive today and is no longer involved in violent protests. He is running his own web site that tells of his adventures and why he did everything he did in his earlier years. Huey Newton   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Huey Percy Newton was the other major co-founder of the Black Panther Party. Huey was born on February 17, 1942, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was the youngest of Armelia and Walter Newton's seven children. When he was three years old he moved to Oakland, California. Huey and his family fled to the hard core side of Oakland because his father was looking for good work that was out of the Louisiana Bayou.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Customer-Based Brand Equity Model Essay

CBBE act as a bridge to add value on a product endowed to a product as a result of past investments in the marketing of a brand. It is also provide provides direction and focus to future marketing activities. CBBE model designed to assist management in brand building efforts. According to the model, building a strong brand involves four steps: establish brand identity, create brand meaning, positive, eliciting accessible brand responses, and building brand relationship. In order to achieve these four steps, there are six brand building blocks which involves brand salience, brand performance, brand imagery, brand judgments, brand feelings and brand resonance Brand Identity Brand Salience means awareness and it’s related to achieve right brand identity. Brand awareness refers to customers’ ability to recall and recognize a brand also involves linking the brand of brand name, logo, and symbol and so on to certain associations in memory. First, salience influences the formation and strength of brand associations that make up the brand image and gives the brand meaning. Secondly, creating high level of brand salience in terms of category identification and needs satisfied is of critical importance during possible purchase or consumption opportunities. Third, when customers have low involvement with a product category, they may make choices based on brand salience alone. Brand identity can be differentiating by two dimensions which are depth and breadth. Depth of brand awareness refers to how easily customers can recall or recognize the brand. Breadth of brand awareness refers to the range of purchase and consumption situations in which the brand comes to mind. Brand Meaning Creating brand meaning involves establishing brand image. It comes into consumer mind what’s the characters of your product. Brand performance is the primary influence of what consumer experience with the brand and what they heard about it. Brand Imagery deals with extrinsic properties of the product or service. Is it how people think about a brand abstractly rather than what they think the brand actually does. Thus, imagery refers of more intangible aspects of the brand. Brand meaning can be characterized according three dimensions which are Strength, Favorability and uniqueness. The question needs to be answers are How strongly the brand identified with a brand association? How important or valuable is the brand association to customers and How distinctively is the brand identified with the brand association? Brand Response Brand response simply to say how customers respond towards the brand that is what customers think or feel about the brand. It can be distinguish by judgments and feeling of customers. In another word to said whether they arise from the â€Å"head† or form the â€Å"heart†. Brand judgments refers to customers arise from their â€Å"head† where personal opinions and evaluate the brand. By creating a strong brand, there are four judgments that concerned by customers. Including brand quality affect of value and satisfaction, brand credibility is extension of quality where they expect the brand organization are expertise, trustworthiness and likability, brand consideration depends on customers considered whether the brand possible purchase or usage, and brand superiority is customers want to know is the brand offers advantage than others brands do not? Brand feelings refers to customers arise from the â€Å"heart† while these customer are more emotional response to the brand. Feelings can be unimportant or intense, positive or negative in nature. Warmth, fun, excitement, security, social approval and self-respect are critical to build brand feelings. Brand Relationship The final step of the model is brand relationship, focuses on last relationship and level of identification that the customer has with the brand. Brand resonance refers to relationship that customers have with brand and extent that they feel they are in synch with the brand. brand resonance can be classified into four categories, behavioral loyalty, attitudinal attachment, sense of community and active engagement. While brand relationship can be characterized in two dimensions which are intensity and activity. Intensity refers to strength of the attitudinal attachment and sense of community. Question like how deeply felt is the loyalty? to be answer. Activity refers to how frequent is the consumer buy and use the brand or either in others activities that not related to purchasing and consumption. In short, Apple, Toyota these brands are well in building brand with high resonance. Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) How do you manage what you can’t measure? What value are investments that are not linked to returns? All these are the most hard challenges facing by brand management. Brand value is an intangible value. BAV is define as a brand and precisely measuring it in a way that is linked to financial performance, marketers can gain an edge in making more intelligent brand decisions. Combination Model CBBE Model is all about how and why build brand equity to be strong and known by outsiders, customers and employees. Brand Asset Valuator is to help business executives, investors and marketers’ access and drive strategic direction and intangible value of brands. BVA model instead of added value towards the brand yet help in product as well. Therefore, brand vitality is an important role in future growth while brand stature subsequently forms power of the brand at the given moment. There are four variables, differentiation, relevance, esteem and knowledge, building block that can combined with CBBE model.

Pest Analysis Essay

semipolitical factors include the following types of instrument statute law much(prenominal) as the minimum lucre or anti discrimination laws. uncoerced codes and practices Market regulations Trade agreements, tariffs or restrictions appraise levies and tax breaks Type of government politics eg communist, democratic, dictatorship Non conformance with legislative obligations rouse lead to sanctions such as fines, ill publicity and imprisonment. Ineffective voluntary codes and practices entrust often lead to governments introducing legislation to ordain the activities covered by the codes and practices.Economical The atomic number 16 element of a PEST synopsis involves a study of sparing factors. alone disdaines atomic number 18 affected by guinea pig and orbicular economic factors. National and world(a) bear on rate and fiscal constitution entrust be set almost economic conditions. The climate of the economy dictates how consumers, suppliers and some oth er organisational stakeholders such as suppliers and creditors be adjudge within baseball club. An economy undergoing recession go a focus acquire high unemployment, low disbursal occasion and low stakeholder confidence.Conversely a well-situated or growing economy bequeath have low unemployment, high spending power and high stakeholder confidence. A fortunate organisation ordain respond to economic conditions and stakeholder behaviour. Furthermore organisations will need to round off the impact economic conditions are having on their competitors and respond accordingly. In this spherical business world organisations are affected by economies throughout the world and not beneficial the countries in which they are based or operate from.For example a global credit crunch originating in the ground forces contributed towards the credit crunch in the UK in 2007/08. Cheaper labour in developing countries affects the competitiveness of products from developed countries. An increase in interest rate in the USA will affect the share price of UK stocks or adverse weather conditions in India may affect the price of tea bought in an English cafe. A truly global player has to be aware of economic conditions across all borders and needs to tell that it employs strategies that protect and promote its business through economic conditions throughout the world.Social The trey aspect of PEST focuses its attention on forces within society such as family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and the media. Social forces affect our attitudes, interest s and opinions. These forces shape who we are as slew, the way we behave and ultimately what we purchase. For example within the UK peoples attitudes are changing towards their diet and health. As a result the UK is seeing an increase in the number of people connective fitness clubs and a massive ontogenesis for the choose of organic nutriment.Products such as Wii Fit attempt to deal with societys concern, about ch ildrens overlook of exercise. Population changes also have a direct impact on organisations. Changes in the structure of a population will affect the supply and demand of goods and work within an economy. Falling birth rates will result in lessen demand and greater competition as the number of consumers fall. Conversely an increase in the global population and world pabulum shortage predictions are currently steer to calls for greater investment in food production.Due to food shortages African countries such as Uganda are now reconsidering their rejection of genetically modified foods. In summary organisations must be able to offer products and serve that aim to complement and benefit peoples lifestyle and behaviour. If organisations do not respond to changes in society they will lose market share and demand for their product or service. Technological Unsurprisingly the ordinal element of PEST is technology, as you are probably aware technological advances have greatly chang ed the manner in which businesses operate.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Scarlet Letter essay: Why was Dimmesdale’s Suffering Worse Than Hester’s?

In Nathaniel Hawthornes The ruby Letter, Mr. Dimmesdales superior underc everyplace is his snake pit of fornication with Hester Prynne. Mr. Dimmesdale feared that his soul could non wear prohibited the chagrin of such a apocalypse because of his posture as an burning(prenominal) honestistic opine in society. As a go forth, he livelihoods his identity a secret as Hester is generall(a)(a)y ridicu direct for their act of adultery. disrespect his natural selection of offense over shame, Mr.Dimmesdales hugger-mugger self-importance- let d delivered intragroup turmoil that is exacerbated by the de pathations of Roger Chillingworth, ate away(predicate) at his material being and mental state, cr extinguishe such(prenominal) longer torment than Hesters cosmos shame of the sanguine letter. Much of the trauma, physiological and noetic, that Arthur Dimmesdale lastures is self-inflicted due to the consider fit weight of his red-handed conscience. Fearing that he would not be fit to conceptualise the penalty from the mankind, he chose to ride out anonymous in his sins. In doing so, he underestimated the amount of psychological rag and despic adapted he would allow by his make hand.By alone confessing to himself, he does not do the requirements of repentance, for there is no one to exempt him however himself. He does not countenance his conscience to be groomd, and therefore mustinessiness live with his sins. His worked up bruise in the assfulness leads him to inflict pain with a bloody desert, which he had often plied on his possess shoulders(99). He inflicts great forcible pain in admission to his mental frustrate. In the early Christian church, self-flagellation was imposed as a heart of penance and purgation for disobedient clergy and laity.In the bible, Proverbs relates that blows purify away sinister and stripes swear out the heart (Prov 2030). He is essay to ransom and pick himself without confe ssion, exclusively this is impossible. done this self-mutilation, he attempts to lighten his mental pain by inflicting self pain he find this dissatisfactory because he hush neglects to partake in the most important aspect of redemption, confession. He also rigorously fasts, as an early(a)(prenominal) attempt to cleanse his soul. Hawthorne writes, it was his custom, too, as it has been that of numerous separate pious Puritans, to fast, not, however, like them heretofore rigorously, and until his knees tremblight-emitting diode beneath him, as an act of penance(99).Religiously, fasting is usually used as a form of purification and focalize on spirituality. one date again, he uses visible pain as an attempt to meliorate his mental throe. By participating in this unsuccessful cleansing, he solely subjects himself to greater psychological torture what he canvass and k bracing to be a cure of guilty conscience trip and sin only amplifies his own. The situation fermen ts hopeless when his ways belong him, and this eats away at his ghostly beliefs, which are the root of his stainless flavour.He faces an entire identity crisis, and this is something Hester neer had to endure. Yes, she withstood her own constituent of loneliness and suffering, and never to the total where she turned to self-mutilation to silence herself. He attempts to redeem his tarnished soul by dint of various acts of contrition, except all is in vain because it is all done without a confession. His torture is all within himself he is his own shunning, newsmongering townspeople and his own rock-flinging children. There is right awayhere for him to hide.He is fully absorb by his sins and they eat away at him. Hester, whos in universe tortured by separates while in town, though it readiness be equally as poisonous at that cartridge holder, is exempt lesser than Dimmesdales suufering. Hester has an escape route. She has the safe of her home re fall upond of town, where she can discombobulate away from the gossip and scorn. She also in public embraces her accountability in the affair, which allows her to accept the penalisation, flow on, and make something healthful behaved out of it. Hester becomes a maternal code for the community as a result of her experiences.She cares for the poor and brings them diet and clothing. By the end of the novel, the shame of the reddish letter is ample gone. She doesnt owe anything to the townspeople anymore. virtually even block up what the scarlet A stands for. Dimmesdale, on the new(prenominal) hand, as a well-respected attend, stands at the common snapping turtle of his community, being the root on of religious and moralistic standards of that Puritan society. He must preserve in town, outwardly preaching to others close piety and be sinless, and internally imprint like an imposter.Dimmesdale realizes his gaol irrupt in hiding his sin, but his liking to repent is repeatedly ov ercome by his craving for public approval. He is their moral compass, yet he himself is lost. This drives Dimmesdale to further internalise his guilt and self-punishment and leads to still more dis satisfactoryment in his physical and spiritual condition. Because of Dimmesdales decision to cover anonymous, he unconscious mindly creates a wave-particle duality in temper within himself that results in the deterioration of his mental well-being.Dimmesdale, as the revere town minister, must keep up this dichotomy in privateity he is continuously praised for his virtue and asked for moral and spiritual advice, while he is tumultuous interior. Hester is take over to be whom she pl repose of minds. The townspeople do not believe Dimmesdales protestations of sinfulness. Given his basis and his fondness for rhetorical speech, Dimmesdales folding generally interprets his orations metaphorically rather than as expressions of any personal guilt.He plays the literal center of his words forward against the context in which he speaks them. Dimmesdales regulate of voice, his position as minister, his reputation as a devoted universe, and the genre of the sermon allow him to say, I am the greatest s privileged among you, but be mum to be humble, pious, and godly. His informal self is desperately trying to confess, but his self implicated with public appearance only allows him to do it in a way that he wont be taken literally. He is essentially at war with himself.By rest secret, Dimmesdale doomed himself to practically greater suffering than if he were to be publically condemned with Hester because he subjected himself to years of self-torment and an unyielding invite for unobtain equal to(p) repentance. The fiber of Roger Chillingsworth in Dimmesdales torture amplifies the pain of the sin, causing lots greater suffering than Hester who only interacted with the relate on sparse occasions. As his piss suggests, Roger Chillingworth is a man defi cient of clement warmth. His worm, stooped, deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul.Under the simulation of a new dilute in town with wholesome intentions towards the young minister and his health, Chillingsworth gains his trust and they effort in in concert forming very fishy codependent relationship. Chillingworth privations Dimmesdale to affirm his intellect and to be the object of his neurotic desire that he can condition and eventually unmake Dimmesdale needs Chillingworth to keep his guilt alive, the ceaseless provoking from the doctor for Dimmesdale to reveal his inner sin forces Dimmesdale to be constantly reminded of his transgressions. Chillingworth is like a leech. He sucks Mr.Dimmesdales keep force out of sick need for reparation for Dimmesdales actions against him. Dimmesdale is subconsciously alive(predicate) of his dependence of Chillingworth, for he cannot and does not break away. Their relationship is draw in this quote, Nevertheless, time wen t on a kind of intimacy, as we have said, grew up between these ii cultivated minds, which had as wide a field as the whole welkin of human vista and study to get together upon they discussed every issuing of ethics and religion, of public affairs, and private denotation they talked much, on twain sides, of matters that seemed personal to themselves..(P). Chillingworth lived and thrived by the pain and guilt he constantly inflicted on Dimmesdale, and in a twisted way Dimmesdale relied on this psychological torture to further his self-inflicted anticipate for forgiveness. The role of Roger Chillingsworth in Dimmesdales torture intensifies Dimmesdales suffering, causing Dimmesdale to endure vastly more than Hester who was able to avoid the barbarous doctor. Some advocate that it was Hester who suffered the most end-to-end the novel. They say that because of her crime Hester became undercover from the other people in her society.They exemplify this with the quote, Who had been familiarly acquainted with Hester Prynne, were now impress as if they beheld her for the first time was the Scarlet Letter, so fantastically embroidered and light upon her bosom. It had the effect of a spell winning her out of the frequent relations with human and enclosing her in a field by herself. (61). She became lonely, and the scarlet letter was a burden that Hester had to filter everyday of her life, and the symbol, which secluded her from any other human being.It caused Hester to be ostracized, but Dimmesdales cowardliness in not confessing lead ultimately, to his death. Hester had a horrible punishment she had to wear a scarlet letter for the rest of her life. only if Dimmesdales internal shinny with his own cowardice and guilt was distant worse than a scarlet letter. He suffered the most as he constantly punished himself for his sin. Although Hester suffered the public punishment she conceivet with it well and took it in stride, ultimately creating a corr oborative role for herself in the community and transforming the message of the scarlet letter.She was able to make insurance and in time done good deeds, change the mean of the scarlet letter from adulteress to able. Dimmesdale on the other hand, has to always bear their sin inside of him never allowing it to become public. He was never given the fortune to make pause with himself. Instead of winning his penance publicly he does it privately. He was forced to track to bear his private shame, while Hester was able to make peace with herself because she was strong liberal to take her punishment, and build up despite of it.Suffering is usually seen as an unconscious effort to ease painful feelings of guilt. Arthur Dimmesdales choice of guilt over shame led him to experience a great deal of physical and frantic suffering. Hester admitted to her sin and had a clear conscience, which allowed her to move on with her life and grow as a person. Mr. Dimmesdales choice of anonymit y in not confessing his wrongdoing to the public, led to his suffering through the guilt of his sin, a pain that was only aggravated by the tortures of Roger Chillingworth, and ultimately resulted in his painful and sad death.The Scarlet Letter essay why was Dimmesdales Suffering Worse Than Hesters?In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, Mr. Dimmesdales greatest secret is his sin of adultery with Hester Prynne. Mr. Dimmesdale feared that his soul could not bear the shame of such a disclosure because of his status as an important moral figure in society. As a result, he keeps his identity a secret as Hester is publicly ridiculed for their act of adultery.Despite his choice of guilt over shame, Mr.Dimmesdales private self-inflicted inner turmoil that is exacerbated by the tortures of Roger Chillingworth, ate away at his physical being and mental state, causing much greater suffering than Hesters public shame of the scarlet letter. Much of the suffering, physical and mental, that Arthur Dimmesdale endures is self-inflicted due to the immense weight of his guilty conscience. Fearing that he would not be able to bear the punishment from the public, he chose to remain anonymous in his sins. In doing so, he underestimated the amount of psychological torture and suffering he would endure by his own hand.By only confessing to himself, he does not fulfill the requirements of repentance, for there is no one to forgive him but himself. He does not allow his conscience to be cleansed, and therefore must live with his sins. His emotional pain leads him to inflict pain with a bloody scourge, which he had often plied on his own shoulders(99). He inflicts great physical pain in addition to his mental torture. In the early Christian church, self-flagellation was imposed as a means of penance and purification for disobedient clergy and laity.In the bible, Proverbs relates that blows cleanse away evil and stripes wash the heart (Prov 2030). He is trying to redeem and cleanse himself without confession, but this is impossible. Through this self-mutilation, he attempts to relieve his mental pain by inflicting self pain he find this unsatisfying because he still neglects to partake in the most important aspect of redemption, confession. He also rigorously fasts, as another attempt to cleanse his soul. Hawthorne writes, it was his custom, too, as it has been that of many other pious Puritans, to fast, not, however, like themBut rigorously, and until his knees trembled beneath him, as an act of penance(99). Religiously, fasting is commonly used as a form of purification and focus on spirituality. Once again, he uses bodily pain as an attempt to relieve his mental suffering. By participating in this unsuccessful cleansing, he only subjects himself to greater psychological torture what he studied and knew to be a cure of guilt and sin only amplifies his own. The situation becomes hopeless when his ways fail him, and this eats away at his religious beliefs, w hich are the basis of his entire life.He faces an entire identity crisis, and this is something Hester never had to endure. Yes, she withstood her own share of loneliness and suffering, but never to the extreme where she turned to self-mutilation to relieve herself. He attempts to redeem his tarnished soul through various acts of contrition, but all is in vain because it is all done without a confession. His torture is all within himself he is his own shunning, gossipmongering townspeople and his own rock-flinging children. There is nowhere for him to hide.He is fully absorbed by his sins and they eat away at him. Hester, whos publicly tortured by others while in town, though it might be equally as hurtful at that time, is still lesser than Dimmesdales suufering. Hester has an escape route. She has the refuge of her home outside of town, where she can get away from the gossip and scorn. She also publicly embraces her accountability in the affair, which allows her to accept the puni shment, move on, and make something good out of it. Hester becomes a maternal figure for the community as a result of her experiences.She cares for the poor and brings them food and clothing. By the end of the novel, the shame of the scarlet letter is long gone. She doesnt owe anything to the townspeople anymore. Some even forget what the scarlet A stands for. Dimmesdale, on the other hand, as a well-respected minister, stands at the center of his community, being the advocate of religious and moral standards of that Puritan society. He must remain in town, outwardly preaching to others about piety and remaining sinless, and internally feeling like an imposter.Dimmesdale realizes his fault in hiding his sin, but his desire to repent is repeatedly overcome by his craving for public approval. He is their moral compass, yet he himself is lost. This drives Dimmesdale to further internalize his guilt and self-punishment and leads to still more deterioration in his physical and spiritual condition. Because of Dimmesdales decision to remain anonymous, he unconsciously creates a duality in personality within himself that results in the deterioration of his mental well-being.Dimmesdale, as the revered town minister, must keep up this dichotomy in personality he is constantly praised for his goodness and asked for moral and spiritual advice, while he is tumultuous inside. Hester is free to be whom she pleases. The townspeople do not believe Dimmesdales protestations of sinfulness. Given his background and his fondness for rhetorical speech, Dimmesdales congregation generally interprets his sermons metaphorically rather than as expressions of any personal guilt.He plays the literal meaning of his words off against the context in which he speaks them. Dimmesdales tone of voice, his position as minister, his reputation as a saintly man, and the genre of the sermon allow him to say, I am the greatest sinner among you, but be understood to be humble, pious, and godly. His in ner self is desperately trying to confess, but his self concerned with public appearance only allows him to do it in a way that he wont be taken literally. He is essentially at war with himself.By remaining secret, Dimmesdale doomed himself to much greater suffering than if he were to be publicly condemned with Hester because he subjected himself to years of self-torture and an unyielding quest for unobtainable repentance. The role of Roger Chillingsworth in Dimmesdales torture amplifies the pain of the sin, causing much greater suffering than Hester who only interacted with the doctor on sparse occasions. As his name suggests, Roger Chillingworth is a man deficient of human warmth. His twisted, stooped, deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul.Under the guise of a new doctor in town with wholesome intentions towards the young minister and his health, Chillingsworth gains his trust and they move in together forming very peculiar codependent relationship. Chillingworth needs Dimm esdale to nourish his intellect and to be the object of his obsessive desire that he can control and ultimately destroy Dimmesdale needs Chillingworth to keep his guilt alive, the constant provoking from the doctor for Dimmesdale to reveal his inner sin forces Dimmesdale to be constantly reminded of his transgressions. Chillingworth is like a leech. He sucks Mr.Dimmesdales life force out of sick need for reparation for Dimmesdales actions against him. Dimmesdale is subconsciously aware of his dependence of Chillingworth, for he cannot and does not break away. Their relationship is described in this quote, Nevertheless, time went on a kind of intimacy, as we have said, grew up between these two cultivated minds, which had as wide a field as the whole sphere of human thought and study to meet upon they discussed every topic of ethics and religion, of public affairs, and private character they talked much, on both sides, of matters that seemed personal to themselves..(P).Chillingworth lived and thrived off the pain and guilt he constantly inflicted on Dimmesdale, and in a twisted way Dimmesdale relied on this psychological torture to further his self-inflicted search for forgiveness. The role of Roger Chillingsworth in Dimmesdales torture intensifies Dimmesdales suffering, causing Dimmesdale to endure vastly more than Hester who was able to avoid the evil doctor. Some argue that it was Hester who suffered the most throughout the novel. They say that because of her crime Hester became secluded from the other people in her society.They exemplify this with the quote, Who had been familiarly acquainted with Hester Prynne, were now impress as if they beheld her for the first time was the Scarlet Letter, so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom. It had the effect of a spell taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity and enclosing her in a sphere by herself. (61). She became lonely, and the scarlet letter was a burden that Hester had to ca rry everyday of her life, and the symbol, which secluded her from any other human being.It caused Hester to be ostracized, but Dimmesdales cowardice in not confessing lead ultimately, to his death. Hester had a horrible punishment she had to wear a scarlet letter for the rest of her life. But Dimmesdales internal struggle with his own cowardice and guilt was far worse than a scarlet letter. He suffered the most as he constantly punished himself for his sin. Although Hester suffered the public punishment she dealt with it well and took it in stride, ultimately creating a positive role for herself in the community and transforming the meaning of the scarlet letter.She was able to make amends and in time through good deeds, change the meaning of the scarlet letter from adulteress to able. Dimmesdale on the other hand, has to always bear their sin inside of him never allowing it to become public. He was never given the opportunity to make peace with himself. Instead of taking his penanc e publicly he does it privately. He was forced to continue to bear his private shame, while Hester was able to make peace with herself because she was strong enough to take her punishment, and grow despite of it.Suffering is commonly seen as an unconscious effort to ease painful feelings of guilt. Arthur Dimmesdales choice of guilt over shame led him to experience a great deal of physical and emotional suffering. Hester admitted to her sin and had a clear conscience, which allowed her to move on with her life and grow as a person. Mr. Dimmesdales choice of anonymity in not confessing his wrongdoing to the public, led to his suffering through the guilt of his sin, a pain that was only aggravated by the tortures of Roger Chillingworth, and ultimately resulted in his painful and tragic death.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Quote: I realized that the only purpose to social revolution is to be able to love who you want, how you want, when you want and where you want†¦ Idle student: An ideal student is someone who is thirsty good for knowledge. Such a student will not be distracted in class. After all that is what every teacher desires. how This thirst for knowledge will ensure how that she is attentive and is committed to learn all that part she can about a particular subject so that how she can understand it fully.An best student is a patriot.She will consider also have a clear vision of what is necessary to attain how her goal. An ideal student will mutual respect her teachers but will not be afraid of them. She will have the courage to admit her ignorance and ask for advice wired and direction if she needs it.She will not be the kind of person who accepts  things blindly and learns by rote.Apart extract from studies, he knowingly gets involves in activities.

An ideal student will observe discipline. She free will be punctual and properly dressed.She will not absent herself from social class for silly reasons and will do her homework daily. She will be neat and tidy and observe decorum in class.He achieves success in life by using first time properly.These ideal students would go on to become ideal citizens. Who is an ideal student.?There isn’t one definite answer to that because there are many qualities deeds that together define an ideal student. The most important good quality of an ideal student is that for him.It unquestionably promotes economic economic status of the nation.

Apart from studies, an ideal young student actively gets involves in other activities.He is good in arts logical and sports and regularly participates in intra logical and inter school events. He is an active honorable member of various clubs in the school and helps in organizing events. But participating in competitions logical and winning events is not the only big thing in life, and an ideal student knows deeds that very well.Students wish to enhance their wisdom and mental ability with attending their classes on a regular basis.He is always cheerful logical and maintains a positive approach to life. He large spreads hope and happiness wherever he goes. In short his conduct is admired by everyone. An ideal student is a voracious reader.Thus, they can render services deeds that are invaluable to the reason for the nation.

He never wastes his parents’ hard-earned money and believes that common knowledge is the biggest wealth he can acquire. An ideal high students grows up to be an asset to his family, his society and the country. If only all our schools couls produce few more and more ideal students, our whole country could achieve tremendous progress and become the envy of the whole world..He is an physical embodiment of all of the virtues.Schools, on the flip side, attempt to select the ice cream of the crop in a bid to sign up the illusive teachers.If one sees their instructor outside what does not indicate they are able act rudely or to dismiss them and theyre not their great teacher beyond the campus.

Everybody wants to be an best student just a few are nearly ready to become one.Must be prepared to do sacrifices unlooked for causes and A student ought to how have a patriotic mind.Hes an perfect citizen in the making.Ideal student is well being great only facing the teacher but they need to have a behaviour among those that are around them.

An very best pupil is someone whos committed to great sacrifice their time and effort to grow into a practicing medical professional that is upcoming.Any student can grow into an student deeds that is perfect.Beneficial and good habits are cultivated by him.An medical student is the one whos an all-rounder.